Sunday, February 08, 2009

I recommend a new website to all my readers

You may find it here. Watch out for the cat on the keyboard and the Storm Trooper on the highway.

In other news, wedding plans continue apace, i.e. I spend many hours looking on the Google for things that match the search terms "not twatty place to get married in Montreal that is not a church", and "venue needed for sugared-almond free party that does not only offer chicken or salmon". Things that are of no interest to me include:

- wedding photographers
- white wedding dresses
- outfits that cost more than $1,000
- bridesmaids, pageboys etc
- wedding cakes (esp. with 'both holding knife' wedding pic in mind)
- shoes dyed to match dress
- party favours (or "favors")
- confetti (hopeless - if people must, let it be rice)
- toastmasters
- first dances (if forced, there is only one song that will do)

Things that interest me:

- marrying a self-haircutting veterinary research histopathologist
- favourite people in world being there to see it/point and laugh
- excellent food
- excellent faine waines and other alcohols
- opportunity for dancing in a comedy style to this, or this, with perhaps a quick go to this and of course this.


Anonymous said...

No interest in cakes? When you could have one of these?

Anonymous said...

What about a tiara? Monkey eared shaped of course with ceramic maple leaves and swarovski crystals. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get one created just for you.

I know people!

(well.. I know a mermaid)

Z said...

I made a croquembouche for my daughter's wedding, but neither she nor my married son had a cake. Neither of them, nor I, had anything else on your list. I think we're all wedding snobs.

Vix said...

Was momentarily intrigued by what a toastmaster might be. Was imagining allsorts of grilling waffley making type jobs. then realised it was someone who make speeches. most disappointing. You can get things that you press into bread to make designs on your toast. Have that instead of toasts. With a variety of jams, fluff, nutella etc you have your cakeyness sorted too!

Anonymous said...

for ceremony how about mcgill?

Anonymous said...

Do you like cheese? My friend had HUGE wheels of cheese stacked on top of each other instead of a cake. So much more tasty!

punxxi said...

why not have a justice of the peace type wedding and then have a great reception for your closest friends/family? you won't have to do any of that other stuff.

Anonymous said...

I've tried, but you can't waltz to the Clash. Otherwise, your music choices are excellent, except you forgot to select something from the extensive repertoire of Earth Wind and Fire.

P.S. I'd have rose petals rather than rice, which can be painful, unless you were thinking of a nice rice pudding.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is the first time you have ever disappointed me. I really thought that mystery wedding song was going to be "My Heart Will Go On."


Anonymous said...

I have such a sad life that I rarely laugh out loud. All I can say is that it was a good thing I didn't have a mouthful of peas when I read of Ms Baroque's disappointment.

Anonymous said...

im afraid that the first two song links didnt work for me... but thumbs up for the rest :)
I hope there will be pics at least?! You could do a tower of cupcakes, or profiteroles or something?!


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