Monday, December 22, 2008

I have a conversation with a pathologist

Regular readers will be aware that I live with a French-Canadian veterinary research histopathologist, who once won a considerable sum of money playing the Quebec version of Jeopardy.

When he is at work, he looks at very thin slices of things under his enormous microscope. Sometimes he reviews academic papers (for e.g. at the moment he is looking at one about raccoon testicles), and sometimes, just sometimes, he has to perform an autopsy, i.e. cut an animal (usually a pig) up and see what is going on inside it.

He does not bring his work home, mainly because I work in the advertising and do not understand science. Even if he has been cutting up a pig, I am never aware of it; he wears overalls and has a nice wash afterwards, being careful to clean under his fingernails.

On Saturday, however, I walked across a frozen car park to meet the pathologist, who had been called to work to perform an emergency autopsy. From a distance of approx. 5 cars' length, I could see that there was a black dot on the end of his nose; a perfect circle, placed perfectly on the tip of his perfectly-formed nose.

Me: What is that on your nose?
Histopathologist: What is what?
Me: That black dot. Is it ... BLOOD?
Histopathologist: Oh. Probably.

In the next week's episode of CSI Quebec: We instal a sluice in the cellar, and introduce black pudding to Canada.


Mr Farty said...

Emergency autopsy? Um, what?

Anonymous said...

Better blood than raccoon testicles I reckon, although that would be a hell of an ice breaker at parties.

punxxi said...

none of my raccys have testicles, they just have babies year after year for me to play with they are cute lil buggers and are very tame now. :o) Happy Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating stuff. It's always the little things that make a difference. Are you quite sure the dear boy's real name isn't - you know - Jeckyll??

Unknown said...

i can see you are still glowing with adoration for him, blood or no blood! your description of his perfectly formed nose.....well!

incidentally, happy new year, monkey!

WrathofDawn said...

Have you had an unfortunate sluicing incident?

Or was the black pudding received with violence?

Where has you gone, oh Monkey, N.W.?

punxxi said...

someone has stolen ms. monkey!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about non working monkey - you seem to have turned into a non blogging monkey!


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