Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 322: I Am Reminded Of A Wise Saying

1) "There's no 'I' in team!"
2) "Assumption makes an ASS of YOU and ME."
3) "Assumption is the mother of fuckup!"
4) "Teamwork works!"
5) "The devil's in the detail!"

These are not wise sayings. They are things that middle-aged spinster middle-managers say in accountancy firms just outside Luton.

The wisest thing I have ever heard was said - if I remember the story rightly - to an ex-colleague, dear acquaintance and latterly supplier of some of the finest monkeys I have ever seen. Straining at the leash to correct a man who was making an arse of himself, his colleague laid a steadying hand upon his arm, and muttered the following words:

"Never, ever, under any circumstances, interrupt a man who is making a cunt of himself."

This line will save your life, of this I can assure you.

P.S. I have just been informed that "Kabooboo" is an excellent word.


Anonymous said...

"None of us is as dumb as all of us"

Katy Newton said...

That was you being funny in Amsterdam, that was.


I think I've just weed my pants a bit.

Chris King said...

I wish more people would interrupt me!!

Camera Obscura said...

My favorite "folksy" wise sayings (one of which applies to your friend who was stopped from correcting an arse):

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.


Never mud-wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty, and the pig enjoys it.

When one considers the destructive capabilities of a full-grown hog, the first snaps a little more sharply into focus.

Sorry they aren't monkey-inclusive.


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