Monday, December 11, 2006

Day 152: I Am Leaving Canada

It is too soon. I do not yet know enough about the habits of the Beaver! I did not know they liked apricot Danishes, for example.

Or enjoyed motor travel.

I also had no idea they were so very tiny! You can hold them in the palm of your hand without any trouble at all.

Other than what I have discovered for myself (i.e., made up) with the help of Beaver the Beaver ($1.99 from the Biodome), I have mainly acquired what accurate Beaver Knowledge I have from a pathologist who cuts his own hair.

Him: I think some people think beavers actually live in dams!
Me: What?

Silence. A moose bellows distantly on the horizon. Nothing can be heard except the low murmur of unintelligible French, the clink of teaspoons on coffee cups and the munching of buns.

Him: Do you think Beavers live in dams?

More silence. A distant gunshot is heard. I feel for my passport.

Me: Yes.
Him: (Strokes my arm like I am on Day Release.) Oh dear. They live in huts!
Me: In HUTS? A Beaver HUT? Shut up.
Him: Well, it's a hut in French. Or a Lodge in English.
Me: Oh.

Time passes. We drive from Quebec city to Montreal. We are eating cheese and drinking the wine.

Me: Beaver Hut. Sounds like Pizza Hut. 2 for 1 on Beavers.
Him: Deep pan.
Me: Stuffed crust.
Him: Beaver Margherita.

I don't want to leave the Canada. It has nice pathologists in it, and tiny beavers that can sit in the palm of your hand.


apprentice said...

Aw, you've just brought a tear to a glass eye!

I hope he had taken his gloves off when he stroked your arm, latex can be clingy.

Has he given you a wee body bag to bring the beaver home? Then it can be FEdEx'd beaver.

Missing you already..........

Anonymous said...

Get back here immediately. I've booked you into the Priory for a nice rest.

Tracy Lynn said...

And I'm sure Canada, with it's beavers and pathologists, shall miss you, too.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to go to The Canada. Plus the beautifullest most blondest buxom girl to ever show an interest in me was Canadian, so that makes them the greatest people on earth.

Except she lost interest, so now they're not.

I look forward to your return! To South London, hooray!

Anonymous said...

Leaving so soon? But you just got there. Ah, well, the Canada must be much smaller than it appears on maps, they can be quite distorting away from the Equator (according to my Geography teacher). Probably the same size as Brixton, really.

Welcome home :)

Anonymous said...

... how can you leave us? Canada -- land of mini-beavers, beautiful buxom blonds, and apricot danishes. You will be missed.

Fweng, they / we still are (the greatest people on earth).

Mikey said...

You are urgently required at home:

"They are said to have scampered off at the sight of humans, some carrying pieces of flesh."

Russia today, Brixton tomorrow - you mark my words...


The bits of Canada I saw were dead good. The Hockey Game was attempted, but Other (far better) Amusements were found instead. Oh yes.


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