Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Day 146: I Do Not See Beavers

All the way to the Biodome in Montreal on my feet through the snow down a triple carriageway and the Beavers were sleeping! Here is one of them on Beavercam. What you cannot see is the gentle up-and-down of his back, suggesting that he is dreaming of logs. Nor can you hear the gentle rumble of Beaver Snores.

My slight disappointment at not seeing a Real Live Beaver was however shortlived, thanks to some jolly good diagrams on the wall which, once memorised, allowed me to come home and build my very own Dam with the help of my friend Beaver.

Here is Beaver finding a good spot. He is checking that there is food and also water nearby. There is!

And here he is again, gathering branches that will soon become logs. He will make the logs with his own teeth.

You may think that by this point, Beaver would be quite tired but he is not. As you can see, his branches are piling up. Driven by pure adrenaline, Beaver will work long into the night (despite pouring rain and 80mph wind).

Here you can see Beaver checking the height of the doorway is about right. It is!

Here is Beaver in his finished dam. He is tired and a bit fuzzy now, but very happy. Goodnight Beaver! Good work, old chap!


Anonymous said...

Miss Monkey: you are a very special sort of mad, and I salute you :)

indigo said...

Genius. Heaven only knows why Lambie-Nairn or Bates Dorland have not yet snapped you up.

indigo said...

Beavers live in their own dams, as I understand it. Not in the concrete, man-made ones.

Anonymous said...

That is the worst damn I have ever seen. That beaver is rubbish. Maybe if he spent less time sleeping and more time thinking about how to build a decent damn he would... I dunno, be able to get proper job, or something.

Anonymous said...

So do the penguins swim in the dam?

Anonymous said...

...and another thing - Beaver is indeed Fortunate that he has the cabbage to sustain him.

Mikey said...

I am going to a party tonight and I am going to build myself a little house made of twiglets and live in it.


Cheerful one, thank you dear.
Julia, so sorry to disappoint. Clare, no idea. Don't care either.
Mikey - will they be big enough?
Farty - no - they swam under the water and looked a bit cramped. There was a big hedgehog thing in a tree though, and an anaconda. Ooh!

Mikey said...

Plenty big enough. I am a byblow of Inch High Private Eye.

Anonymous said...

Beavers build dams and lodges. They live in the lodges. They are ace engineers. Farmers hate them.


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