Saturday, November 04, 2006

Day 115: I Am A Bit Disappointed

This afternoon I went to a 'Blogmeet'. That is when bloggers meet in the same place and drink and that and talk. I was very scared and a bit intimidated, because Really Good Bloggers Who I Really Admire were going to be there. But they were all lovely.

Which is a pain in the arse, frankly, because now I've got cock-all to write about.


Mikey said...

Jeez! No-one tells me anything !!

Anonymous said...

I Am a Bit Disappointed too. Isn't the whole point that you're safe and secure and anonymous in the ether? Or something? So now they all know what your name is and where you live? Oh Lord. It just doesn't seem right.

Tired Dad said...

Mikey: Please guess why no-one tells you of such things. Is it a) You are so brilliant people would feel bad about themselves if they had to actually meet you.

or b) You are a cunt.

Feel free to discuss these ideas and more round at my comments-thing. I see no need for NWM to have to host anything further on this subject.

MM: I know.



Anxious said...

Sorry to have disappointed you ;)




MM... no no no. I have explained it All Wrong. Is not Festival of Bloggers in which everyone fills Wembley and exchanges copies of their passport and a utility billjc. Fear not.


billjc? I say!

Lucy P said...

WAH! I screech in a wave of pure jealous misery. i wanted to be there!!!!!! poooop. serves me right for living in portugal.

Anonymous said...

I have an orange squash hangover?


My hangover was made from the Wine, the Gin and the Wine and then the Whisky.

Anonymous said...

Bloggers meeting in person?!! This must be against the law or Something. Gee, I hope they don't do that here in the US.

Anonymous said...

I've got a strict rule against meeting anyone I meet on t'net, unless I'm on a dating website and that's, well, kinda the point.

But I hope your blogmeet went well anyway. I prefer being anonymous, myself. Much more fun.


Right: pro-blogmeets: me, Andre, Anna, Anxious, Leonie (Mikey, if he knew about it; Lucy P, if she didn't live in Portugal).

Anti-blogmeets: Fwengebola (is that your given name?) and Lee, who would not travel from the Americas.

Glad that's sorted then.


(I shall never blog about blogmeets again.)

Lucy P said...

and that's supposed to make me feel better is it?

Tim said...

It was terribly disappointing meeting you too. Next time we meet, we must both promise to make more of an effort. I've understood that right, haven't I?

Looking forward to next time then.


Clare - I am hiding under my fez.

Lucy - coooome to London.

Tim. Now you know VERY WELL that isn't what I meant.

Honestly. You people.

beth said...

my favourite bit was when you used your special powers to tell me I was wearing the wrong size bra.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Fwengebola is my given name. That or Paul. It varies.


Beth - ah, so mysterious. Taught by a bra fitter at Triumph c. 1996. I have Never Forgotten. Have you Tried A Different One? Not my place to say it, but you did look lovely the way you were.

Paul - Is it Paul Fwengebola?

Anonymous said...

Outed. Damn.


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